What to Expect

What time does church start?

Sunday School begins at 9:00AM for children through adult.  Sunday school programing runs from mid-September to the end of May.  The adult Sunday school class is currently studying the gospel of Mark.

Our worship service is on Sundays at 10:00 AM.

What should I bring?

If you have a Bible at home, we encourage you to bring it. Having your own Bible with will enable you to take notes or underline things for you to reference at a later point. If you don’t have a Bible, we have one available for you. 

Most important, bring an open heart and mind to hear and accept what God may have for you.

Is there childcare available during services?


There are classes for kids ages 2 years through 5th grade during the Sunday School hour. Nursery room is available Sunday School for children under 2 years. Sunday School is offered September through May.

Nursery (Infant -2yr)– Nursery room is unstaffed during Sunday school. It is available for parents needing a quieter spot for their infants and young toddlers.  Toys, crib, and little-kid friendly restroom are available in the nursery.

Pre-school (2-4yrs)– Discovery Land Sunday School (Sept- May)

Elementary (K-4th grade)-Discovery Land Sunday School (Sept- May)

Middle School (5th-8thgrade)– Discovery Land Sunday School (Sept- May)


Nursery (Infant -3 years)– Nursery room is unstaffed during the worship service. It is available for parents needing a quieter spot for their infants and young toddlers.  Toys, crib, and little-kid friendly restroom are available in the nursery.


What does the worship service look like?

Our services always begin with worship which includes a blend of traditional and contemporary music.  Worship is followed by teaching from God’s Word with application to your daily life. In addition, you will hear some general announcements and learn about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved. The service typically lasts an hour and fifteen minutes.

What is the "Alliance"?

If you have never before heard of the Christian & Missionary Alliance (CMA) denomination, the “Alliance” may sound a bit odd. Our denomination is made up of churches from all around the world that exist to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. While a large number of churches do exist in the US, there are actually more that exist outside of the US. The Christian & Missionary Alliance denomination has a very strong emphasis on missions and proclaiming Christ to the nations.

Looking for more information on the Christian & Missionary Alliance?  Check out the CMA website.

Still have more questions or want to get involved?

When you visit, you will usually see a pastor or elders. Don’t hesitate to ask one of them whatever questions you may have. You can also fill out a Connect Card, which can be found at the Welcome Center, or in the seat backs in the sanctuary.  Hand it to one of our helpful ushers or put it in the offering box in the back of the sanctuary.

See you soon!